
We appreciate all the support we get from Lincoln families and staff. We hope you will find a way to participate: Join the PTA, Attend Meetings, or Volunteer & Help. Thank you!

Join the PTA

The Lincoln PTA can do so many great things each year because of our families who join the PTA and volunteer in many ways! Nothing would make us happier than if your family JOINED THE PTA! Visit our Facebook page or our website to check out the different ways you can get involved.  

Click on the link below to join the Lincoln PTA.

Lincoln Elementary School PTA Membership


Attend Meetings

Meeting Schedule

All meetings take place in the cafeteria at 6:30pm. 

  • September 11th
  • November 13th
  • January 15th
  • March 12th
  • April 9th
  • May 14th

All parents are welcome to attend the meeting but you must be a member to vote during a meeting.

The ABC's of the PTA takes place at the September meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Volunteer & Help

There are many ways to volunteer and help the Lincoln PTA. Please contact committee chairs or the PTA 3rd Vice President if you are interested in volunteering and don't know who to contact or how to contact them. Some ideas for volunteering or helping include:

  • helping a committee,
  • chairing a committee,
  • being a Board member,
  • being a homeroom coordinator,
  • helping at a classroom party,
  • supporting the PTA's fundraisers (Read-a-thon, Family Food nights, and Corporate rewards)
  • donating baked goods, school supplies, etc. when we send out request
  • and, last but not least, attending the events we sponsor!

We value any participation and hope you will find one that works for you. Thank you to everyone who makes our programs happen!

Please be aware that our volunteers must have appropriate clearances PRIOR to events as required by the district. You can review current clearance requirements here and ask either the PTA President or Lincoln Principal if you have questions or are unsure about how it affects your activity.