LESPTA could not do all it does for the students and staff without our active committees. Thank you to all who've volunteered to chair a committee. This web page will provide an overview of resources and links to the most recent two years of information that will help you perform your duties.
Below you will find committee reports and other resources to help you perform your duties as committee chair. If you have questions about how to access information, you can contact the PTA Historian or your Board Liaison - which is listed under the committee on the Committee Page.
Files and Documents
Committee Specific Information
- Audit Committee
- Corporate Rewards
- Cultural Arts
- Fifth Grade Farewell
- Frosty Shop
- Garden Club
- Health and Safety
- Homeroom Parent Coordinator
- Hospitality
- International Family
- Kindergarten Events
- Lunchtime Clubs
- Mardi Gras
- Membership and Directory
- New Buddy Program
- New Family Orientation (Human Relations)
- Read-A-Thon
- Scholastic Book Club
- Scholastic Book Fair
- School Supplies
- Science Fair
- Skating Party
- Spelling Bee
- Spirit Wear
- Staff Appreciation Dinner
- Talent Show
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Yearbook