Lincoln Elementary School (LES) PTA is a unit member of the Mt. Lebanon Council PTA, the Pennsylvania PTA, and the National PTA. We welcome and appreciate the support of our parents and teachers and encourage both to join and be active members of the Lincoln PTA. Contact any of the PTA officers with questions.
There are many events held each year at Lincoln with support of our PTA committees and fundraising. This list, while not inclusive, highlights some annual favorites. Keep your eye out for announcements of other events throughout the year!
SEPT: Kindergarten Coffee & Kleenex, Family Picnic, ABCs of the PTA, Homeroom Parent Training
OCT: Walk to School Week, Read-A-Thon, Halloween Party
NOV: Skating Party, Book Fair, Frosty Shop
DEC: Holiday Party
JAN: Lunchtime Clubs
FEB: Spelling Bee, Valentine's Party, Science Fair
MARCH: International Potluck, Talent Show, Book Fair
APRIL: Playground Clean-up Day, Staff Appreciation Dinner
MAY: Teacher and Staff Appreciation, AG Lab Visit, Ice Cream Social
JUNE: Grand Finale, Fifth Grade Clap Out
SUMMER: School Supply Orders, Kindergarten Popsicle Play Date, New Family Orientation