It’s official! This Read-A-Thon broke all records with our $23,368 in donations! And Lincoln readers also logged over 112,366 minutes of reading!

Whether your child was a Kitsko Kid or Staub Scholar, they should be incredibly proud of the effort they put in over the ten day period. We heard so many good things about kids wanting to read all the time. We saw lots of friendly competition. And most of all, we saw tremendous teamwork. That’s what Awesome Abes are all about!

A HUGE thank you again to Dr. Kitsko and Mrs. Staub for all of the work they put into the event—and for being such great sports.

Families, thank you all for your time and effort in helping make this happen. These donations will be put to good use for PTA-funded field trips, assemblies, Mardi Gras, the talent show and so much more. And we hope that the reading continues since reading is its own reward, as one of our favorite librarians likes to say. Check out the award winners  from the virtual closing assembly below.

Amazing Reading Race slide show